15 Famous Historic Places In India Worth Visiting In 2022

15 Famous Historic Places In India Worth Visiting In 2022

15 Famous Historic Places In India Worth Visiting In 2022

India is a country full of rich culture and heritage that attracts many tourists. India has numerous historical places covering all the statues, ancient monuments, relic thumbs, places to do checklists, tombs, tourist attractions etc, which signify the presence of tourists from international countries and other cities in India. Ruled by the Mughals and British India, the country offers you a wide variety of places to explore to expand your knowledge and learn more about Indian culture, religion, and traditions.

If you want to know more about the country, here is a list of 15 must-visit historical places in India. All these places have meaning and importance to Indians. Some may be ancient monuments redefining the stories of love, domination, and death; and monuments have religious significance.

Pictures of popular historical places in India:

1. Taj Mahal:

The Taj Mahal, “Monument of Love”, is one of the best and most visited historical places in North India. This ivory-white marble mausoleum is located on the south bank of the Yamuna River in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. Mughal emperor Shah Jahan built this historical monument for his beloved wife Mumtaz. This monument of love also houses Shah Jahan’s mausoleum, including a mosque, guesthouse and beautiful gardens on three sides.

  • Fun fact: Aside from its beauty, the architecture and calligraphy of the Taj Mahal are the center of attraction. In addition, the Taj Mahal was transported to the construction site by 22,000 workers, masons, painters including 1,000 elephants.
  • Ideal time to visit: It is recommended to visit this place during the winter season from October to March.
  • time: The Taj Mahal opens 30 minutes before sunrise, closes 30 minutes before sunset on regular days, and remains closed on Fridays. You can also visit the Taj Mahal at night (8.30pm to 12.30am).
  • registery fee: For foreign tourists: INR 1100 (INR 200) except for the entrance fee to the mausoleum, while for citizens of SAARC and BIMSTEC countries, the entrance fee is INR 540 and the entrance fee to the mausoleum is INR 200. Finally, for Indians, the entrance fee to the mausoleum is 50 INR + 200 INR (optional). Also, children under the age of 15 do not pay an admission fee.

2. The Golden Temple:

The Golden Temple has been recognized as the pride of Punjab. This is one of the most famous tourist attractions with thousands of devotees, tourists and local tourists every year. It is the oldest holy place in Sikhism and has a beautiful pool called “Amrit Sarovar”. Since the dome is painted gold, the place looks attractive, especially in the morning sun. This is definitely the first place you should visit in your Punjab trip.

  • Fun fact: The entire top of this religious monument is made of solid gold, and the man-made lake around the temple is filled with exotic fish. In addition, the Lange served by this temple was consumed by as many as 2,00,000 people during special religious events.
  • Ideal time to visit: The best time to visit Amritsar is from November to March. Pleasant weather will make for the perfect Golden Temple tour. However, sometimes the temperature can be as low as -4 degrees Celsius.
  • time: This place of worship opens at 3 am and is not open to all until 10 pm.
  • registery fee: The believers of the temple do not receive the entrance fee! !

3. Jalian Vallabhag:

Jarianwala Bagh in Punjab is not only a garden but also has a special significance in the history of Indian independence. This is where thousands died at the hands of British soldiers in 1919. A monument was erected in 1951 to honor those who gave their lives for their country. This place has a special historical significance and must be visited once. It will help you to understand the history of India in the pre-independence era in a better way. No wonder it has thousands of tourists every year.

  • Fun fact: General Dyer planned to launch an attack at the Jallianwala Bagh location during an event, gathering 10,000 people, regardless of religion. The massacre took place on April 13, 1919, and it turns out that about 1,500 people were killed in this event.
  • Ideal time to visit: There is no perfect timing. You are free to visit this place all year round! However, depending on the weather, it is recommended to visit Amritsar between September to December and February to March.
  • time: The place is open from 6am to 7pm in summer and from 7am to 6pm in winter.
  • registery fee: The entrance to this monument is completely free as it bears witness to the history of Indian independence.

4. Badami Cave:

Badami Caves are one of the famous historical sites in South India. It is located in Bagalkot district of northern Karnataka. This historic place reflects a perfect example of 6th century Indian rock architecture. There are four caves in this place, each of which has its meaning. Cave 1 shows the dance scriptures of the Shiva Tandava dance as Natraj. Cave 2 is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and it represents the presence of Lord Vishnu in the form of “Trivikrama”. Cave 3 presents the myths associated with Vishnu in an art-hungry way. Finally, Cave 4 marks the presence of figures associated with Jainism.

  • Fun fact: History shows that Chalukyas built this historical monument. Originally named Vatapi. The monument is also equipped with an artificial lake, the Agastyatirtha Reservoir, which collects water from the Badami Gorge.
  • Ideal time to visit: Ideal time to visit here from July to March.
  • time: You can visit the Badami Cave Temple between 9:00 am and 5:30 pm to appreciate its true beauty during the day.
  • registery fee: For Indians and SAARC and BIMSTEC, the entrance fee is 15 INR, while for foreigners, the entrance fee is 200 INR. However, children under 15 can visit this place for free!

5. Khajuraho Temple:

Although Khajuraho is considered to be the city of temples, it definitely transcends religion and the worship of gods. The building is amazing and every photo has been carefully crafted. This place has always been one of the most popular temples in the country. It is located in Madhya Pradesh, Chattapur district. It is now a UNESCO heritage site and has attracted many architects and students. The temple became famous mainly because of the erotic sculptures made centuries ago.

  • Fun fact: The city’s name is derived from the Hindi word “Khajur” (date), as date palm trees surround the city walls. Originally, the town was named Khajjurpura, later changed to Khajuraho. Built between 950 and 1050 AD, the monument was originally reported to have 85 temples and now accounts for 22 temples left after natural disasters.
  • Ideal time to visit: The best time to visit this historic monument is from July to March. However, your trip is from October to February as winter is considered suitable for outdoor activities.
  • time: The temple can be entered from sunrise to sunset.
  • registery fee: For Indian and SAARC & BIMSTEC visitors, the entrance fee is INR 40; while international visitors must pay an entrance fee of INR 600. In addition, children under the age of 15 can freely recognize history! !

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6. Berum Cave:

Belum Cave is the longest cave in Andhra Pradesh. About 110 kilometers from Kurnur, they are one of the most prestigious and famous caves in the country. These are underground caves built under farmland, with three caves, one of which serves as the main entrance. Berum Cave is one of the most attractive locations in India and has been called “a unique eco-tourism project” by the Indian government.

  • Fun fact: This place witnesses the presence of Buddhist monks. There are a total of 16 different routes to enter the cave. It is also a natural underground cave formed due to the constant flow of groundwater. It is also the second largest natural cave in India after KremLiatPrah Cave in Meghalaya.
  • Ideal time to visit: The best time to visit Kurnool is from October to March, as the recent weather won’t drain your trip.
  • time: Belum Caves are open from 10pm to 5pm.
  • registery fee: For international tourists, the entrance fee is INR 300; while for Indians, it is cut to INR 50. The entrance fee for children is INR 30.

7. Kara Cave:

Kara Cave is located in Lonavla, a hill station near Pune, Maharashtra. It was built centuries ago by Buddhist monks and is a true representation of Buddhist architecture. Even after all these years, the intricate carvings have survived and are some of the historic places our country is proud of. Its top is about 160 feet high and about 15 meters high. These caves are important evidence of the great Buddhist teachings and ideology. The settings and inscriptions here are exciting.

  • Fun fact: This historic monument has one of the largest rock prayer halls in India, measuring approximately 46 feet high and 148 feet long. The place is illuminated by natural light as the huge windows are preserved in the rock.
  • Ideal time to visit: The best time to visit Kara Cave is from October to February. However, people can also plan their trips during the monsoon period, from June to October.
  • time: To witness this rock-cut cave, activities are recommended between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm
  • registery fee: The entry fee for Indians is around INR 20; while foreigners have to pay INR 200 for this. Children under 15 enter free. Also, tourists have to pay around 25 INR for still cameras or handheld cameras.

8. Qutub Minar:

Come to the most exotic and beautiful places in Delhi and you will be mesmerized. The place is absolutely grand and vast. It is the tallest stone structure in the world and was built by Qutubuddin Aibak in 1193 in memory of his teacher. It has 379 circular stone steps, which are spectacular and fascinating from a distance. The whole of Delhi and New Delhi can be seen from the vantage point. Qutub Minar also houses a mosque built by Qutubuddin Aibak.

  • Fun fact: Qutub Minar is one of the tallest brick minarets in the world at 120 m high. The monument also has a tall iron column, which stood there without rusting for more than 2,000 years. There are 379 stairs in the Qutub Minar tower, which lead to the marble terrace at the top.
  • Ideal time to visit: You can visit Qutub Minar between October and March when the weather is the best.
  • time: The place is open to tourists from 7am to 7pm
  • registery fee: The monument charges an entrance fee of 30 INR for Indian tourists and 500 INR for international tourists.

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9. India Gate:

Your trip to India will not be complete without coming to the exquisite and beautiful India Gate. This place is amazing. Located in the heart of Delhi, it is the largest war memorial in the country. The monument immortalises some 90,000 former British soldiers who lost their lives in the World Wars and Afghanistan. The appearance of this place is really beautiful and a must visit once in a lifetime. it is…