Culture and Festivals in Chhattisgarh

Culture and Festivals in Chhattisgarh

Culture and Festivals in Chhattisgarh

Festivals in Chhattisgarh consist of many tribal and non-tribal festivals. This article lists some of the major festivals the state celebrates each year:

Famous festivals in Chhattisgarh:

1. Basta Doucera:

Bastar dussera is a festival celebrated in Chhattisgarh that focuses on the worship of Lord Rama. This holiday celebrates the victory of good over evil and the prosperity of the community.

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2. Basta Lokotsav:

Bastar lokotsav is a festival celebrated in Chhattisgarh involving the largest celebration of tribes in the state, especially the Bastar tribe. The festival promotes biodiversity, brotherhood, and involves a multi-layered celebration. Banquets, folk dances, theatre and other forms of performing arts are part of this lokotsav festival in Basta.

3. Madai Festival:

Medai is a festival celebrated in Chhattisgarh, mainly involving the Chalama and Khulna communities in Kanker district, the Bastar tribe as well as Bannupratapur, Narayanpur, Kunda communities in areas such as Ganga, Antagra, etc. The festival is celebrated from December to March. This is a unique tourism festival that travels from one part of the state to another. Local tribes in the state pray to the main god of the festival. The Medai festival begins with a procession organized by the tribal people of Chhattisgarh from the open to other areas.

This is where large numbers of devotees and tourists gather to pray, fast and witness ceremonies. After the procession, the priest conducts the puja of the goddess. Banquets, folk dancing, theatre and other forms of performing arts are all part of this festival. The Basta region of Chhattisgarh is the starting point of the Madai festival. The festival moves west from Bastar to the Kanker district of the state, from there to Narayanpur, Antagar and finally to Bannu Pratapur.

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4. Tribute Tea Festival:

The Goncha festival celebrated in Chhattisgarh is mainly held in Jagdalpur, Basta district of Chhattisgarh. Tribute tea is a special fruit or berry found in the state. It is used as a projectile or mock bullet by tribal nations. This tribal festival is celebrated in July. Tribal members celebrate it by making fake pistols out of bamboo and using tribute tea as fake bullets. The men then shoot each other in mock battles.

5. Teeja Festival:

The Teeja festival celebrated in Chhattisgarh celebrates the state’s cultural diversity. This is the Rajasthan festival celebrated in the state. Tribal and non-tribal communities alike celebrate it. The festival mainly concerns women in society, while men are mostly excluded. Dressed in vibrant traditional costumes, the colorful and cheerful women’s parade flocked to the scene. Bazaars were set up and held in parts of the state.

6. Champagne Mela:

Champaran Mela is celebrated in Chhattisgarh, the state capital, Raipur. The mela is held annually and it takes its name from a place called Champaran, where it is celebrated every year. Champalaan is 56 km from Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh. The fair is held from January to February, or during the Magh festival of the Hindu calendar.

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7. Narayan Purmera:

Narayanpur Mela is celebrated in Chhattisgarh in the Basta region. It reflects the state’s tribal communities. Tribes worship their gods and are happy. They have dance recitals, fairs, parades, songs and banquets to mark the festival. It promotes brotherhood, harmony and unity within the tribe. It is celebrated annually and takes place in the last week of February.

From Dussera and Bastar lokotsav to Hareli Bazaar and Goncha Bazaar, Chhattisgarh hosts various festivals. These all help to strengthen the unity of the country.

see more: Arunachal Pradesh Festival