Culture and festivals in Nagaland

Culture and festivals in Nagaland

Culture and festivals in Nagaland


Nagaland festivals have a vibrant and rich cultural heritage. This is a land full of festivals. Nagaland is inhabited by 16 major tribes. These include Kukis, Angamis, Changs, Konyaks, Aos, Kacharis, Sumis, Chakhesangs, Lothas, Pochurys and more. Each of these tribes has its own unique and distinguished indigenous culture, customs, traditions and festivals. This article lists some of the cultures and festivals that are celebrated throughout the year in Nagaland.

Nagaland Famous Cultures and Festivals with Images:

Let’s take a look at the ancient festivals of Nagaland.

Trumpet Festival:

Cape Bill Festival in Nagaland is a tourist attraction that attracts people from all over the country and abroad. It represents the multicultural colors of this northeastern Indian state. The festival starts every year in the first week of December. Then continue for a week. The name of the festival is after the hornbeak. The name is symbolic because the bird had a strong influence on the native folklore and culture of the state’s tribal communities. On this day, troupes from various tribes of Nagaland participate in traditional dances. They sing folk songs, play musical instruments, and engage in a wide variety of sports and activities.

As part of this festival, various traditional art forms are displayed. This includes wood carvings, paintings, sculptures and bamboo works by traditional Naga artists. The festival then continues into the evening, with several concerts. This festival helps to unite the diverse cultures of the tribes of Nagaland.

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Nagaland Government Tourism Department decided to hold common festivals in year 2000 to achieve cultural unity so that tourists can see all Naga festivals at once, i.e. in the same place at the same time. Hornbill is traditionally celebrated in Kohima, the capital of Nagaland. The festival aims to protect, revive and maintain the natural habitat and richness of Naga culture and heritage.

Mosu Festival:

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The Moatsu festival is celebrated by the Ao tribe of Nagaland. It is celebrated every year in the first week of May. During this festival, many traditional ceremonies are held. People of this tribe sow seeds in rice fields. After sowing the seeds, the Ao people observed Mosu Nunnery. The main purpose of this Moatsu festival is to seek the blessings of Almighty God after a new harvest, or after marriage, or cleaning house building or other types of activities. To celebrate this sacred occasion, people make rice wine and cook banquets by slaughtering the best pigs and cows at this time.

Women and men engaged in drinking, eating, dancing and singing folk and samurai songs. The festival celebrates the valour, valour and valour of the ancient folk heroes they sing. The Mojin Festival is celebrated by singing folk songs, playing musical instruments and engaging dances. The festival is held for three days a year. From May 1st to May 3rd. Observe the mulberry map during the festival. This is a symbolic celebration. Men and women of various tribes sit around a lit bonfire while observing the sanpantu. Men and women of the Ao tribe adorn themselves in their traditional costumes. The women of the tribe are very hospitable. They serve meat and wine.

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Hence, these festivals reveal the true vitality of Nagaland culture. They seek to unite the tribes and promote harmony and goodwill among all.