List : Top 61 Advertising Agencies in NYC (2022 Edition)

List : Top 61 Advertising Agencies in NYC

A complete list of the top marketing and advertising agencies in New York City.

While San Francisco is home to the likes of Uber and AirBnB and Silicon Valley boasts the internet giants Google and Apple, New York City has invested in a startup ecosystem of its own to rival those of the West Coast. When it comes to places that are full of inspiration and talent for marketing, advertising,and web development, New York is undeniably one of the leading cities in the world.

The result of this investment has been a plethora of new disruptive startups. From Advertising agencies using artificial intelligence to apps that allow advertisers to find the most creative ads for their audiences, New York entrepreneurs have a different focus than their Californian rivals.

The marketing and advertising agencies listed below cover a wide range of services such as digital marketing, growth hacking, PPC, campaign management, social media, SEO, content marketing, PR and anything else you can think of to get customers in the door. Discover our list of Top Advertising Agencies in NYC.

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Marketing & Advertising Agencies : Introduction to the agencies world ☕

One of the most important decisions when launching an AD campaign is the choice of agency. And not because there are better or worse, than there are, but because there are agencies more suitable for a particular advertiser, for a particular company or for a particular product or service.

What is meant by advertising agency?

The advertising agency more commonly known as ” ad agency ” or ” Creative Agency ” is composed of experts. Specialized in advertising, they work for named companies that are also advertisers. These companies seek to promote their product(s) and/or activity(ies).

The advertising agency is involved in the process of creating and executing the advertising campaign in several stages:

  • The implementation of a strategic planning with the client,
  • Research and graphic design of ads,
  • The purchase of advertising space,
  • The diffusion of the announcement.

The advertising agency belongs to the communication family. With the evolution of new technologies, advertising methods are very varied. Nowadays, the advertising agency can have several names, such as communication agency, web agency, SEO agency….

Advertising agencies advise and support their clients in part or in whole in their communication strategy.

What is the role of a ad agency?

The role of a marketing agency is to promote the brand image or product of companies to their prospects and customers. To do this, it implements a communication strategy through actions and communication media.

The advertising agency is responsible for guiding and supporting companies in their marketing choices. Its main mission is to support its customers in their sales processes through a communication campaign designed to satisfy this need.

In general, the Ad Agency takes charge of the creative aspect of the campaigns, its objective is not only the technical realization of the campaign, but the relevance of the message transmitted in its graphic and textual form.

What are the types of ad agencies?

Depending on the type of agencies and for simplicity, there are two main categories of advertising agencies:

  • Specialized Advertising agencies : expert in specific fields,
  • The so-called global agencies : dealing with the communication of a company as a whole, whether in advertising or marketing.

Advertising agencies can have several names, such as:

  • Ads,
  • Media,
  • Sales promotion,
  • Marketing,
  • Public relations,
  • Communication,
  • Web,
  • Web Agency,
  • SEO….

But usually, an advertising agency offers several types of services. For example, we can mention some of the services : the design of a marketing campaign, the implementation of a communication plan, the design of the visual design and corporate identity, the production of advertising materials, etc..

Who are the big 4 advertising agencies in the world?

The big four are made up of a complex of smaller businesses. Niche operators ranging from pure-play advertising or public relations agencies to data businesses.

According to seekingalpha Report, the advertising world is dominated by the ‘Big Four’ agencies: WPP, Omnicom, Publicis Groupe, and Interpublic Group of Companies.

big 4 advertising agencies in the world
big 4 advertising agencies in the world – Source

How to choose the right advertising agency in New York City ?

Do you have a communication project to carry out? You need the best advertising agency in new york (or in your region) to carry out your project. In this section, discover the points to consider when choosing it.

1. What is my advertising objective?

It is crucial for you to have an idea of what you want to accomplish with your advertising efforts. Are you launching something new? Do you need to reach a quantifiable goal? The world of marketing is vast, and hiring a broadcast production service or a publication may not be the best choice if you are hoping for seamless brand intent. Know the best ROI will stem from those who excel at brand strategy and execution, and not selling ad space.

2. A beautiful and attractive Branding

Do you sell food products or do you want to popularize your pet accessories website or shop? In any case, your goal when you use such a company is to promote your message, to make yourself known or to enhance your brand image.

Thus, it is advisable to turn to an advertising agency that has a beautiful image and branding itself. She will have to take care of her visual identity before taking care of that of her clients. You will also judge its level of creativity through its communication media including its website, logo, brochure, business card, etc.

3. Pricing

Pricing is one of the first criteria to consider when choosing your advertising agency. The golden rule here is to avoid cheap advertising companies at all costs. With them, you risk obtaining a poorly executed, uninspired and standardized project.

Keep in mind that a successful agency in its field would not devalue its rates, because it will provide quality work worthy of the cost mentioned. It is also important that she give you a list of her former clients as a reference.

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4. The number of interlocutors

The organization of the company will influence the fluidity or not of the realization of your project by the chosen agency. Prefer an advertising agency that will assign a single contact person to manage your project.

The person in charge must be part of the production team as a graphic designer or project manager and not just a sales representative. This way, you will know who to call if necessary, such as a clarification or a question. Being at the heart of the project, he will be able to tell you about its progress.

61 Top Advertising Agencies in NYC (2020 Edition) 🏆

Here in New York City, we’re surrounded by thousands of ambitious people building booming businesses. But underneath all that growth are a bunch of marketing and advertising agencies making much of the magic happen. Engineers and sales people are important, but if you can’t craft the right message and get in front of the right people, your business is going no where.

One of the most important areas of advertising agencies is: the creative area. Because that’s where the art director and the creative writer work hand in hand to develop a concept and thus work on the content of the campaign to be carried out. It is essential to know the client well, their needs and the personality of the brand for which they are working.

Agencies List Updated on April 2020

Awards Editors

Over the years we’ve seen spots and ads that haven’t made us laugh out loud while others make us think. We have witnessed unconventional advertising in the streets. Creativity, strategy and innovation are some of the requirements to be considered one of the best advertising agencies… The ingenuity in its splendour is what we can see day by day thanks to these advertising agencies based in NYC.Share List

Best ad agencies nyc

Steps for a correct selection

Choosing the best ad agency for your project or brand
Choosing the best ad agency for your project or brand

A good ad agency selection must be accompanied by three stages:

  1. Definition of the agency’s profile. Defining the agency profile will allow us to make an initial selection among those agencies that best suit the client’s needs. Therefore, aspects such as geographical needs, size and structure, experience, languages, specialisation, etc. must be taken into account.
  2. Sector analysis. This pre-selection, which we can carry out ourselves or through the services of a specialised consultancy, will allow us to obtain the maximum information on the different agencies and then draw up a short list (no more than five) in which those in the market that cover the needs and respond to the desired profile will be included. Next, we will carry out a qualitative analysis in which we will try to obtain as much information as possible about the work of the agency, its teams, its successes, its clients, etc., which will allow us to reduce the list to only two or three agencies.
  3. Selection

Once we have this selection, there are three possibilities when it comes to carrying out the final one:

  1. Direct selection. It occurs when the previous analysis has made it very clear which should be our agency.
  2. Personalized presentations. These personalized presentations will allow us to assess elements of personal relationship (size, number of employees, offices, management team, accounts won and lost in recent years, services offered, related companies, equipment that will put at our disposal, complete list of customers and brands for which they work, etc.); elements that although they should not be paramount, they do have a certain importance. Next, we can choose the agency we are most interested in, or call for tenders the most related to our interests.
  3. The competition. There should never be more than three or four agencies submitted to the competition, which should be strategic, creative or both.

Prepare a clear briefing.

  • Inform about the participating agencies. Number of agencies and whether the process includes the current agency.
  • Define finishing levels. Clarify the level of finishing expected in campaigns.
  • Communicate decision criteria. In the briefing it should be clear if the final decision will depend on ideas, creativity, services…
  • Specify the services required.
  • Report on economic data. Model of remuneration and type of contract.
  • Establish a realistic calendar. The agency must have enough time to prepare the presentation.
  • Assign key teams. The teams that participate in the contest should be the ones that will collaborate in the future in the development of the account.
  • Define a partner and give equal access. Establish an evaluation system.
  • Allocate time to presentations. The normal time is usually between two and three hours.
  • Concentrate presentations. It is a question of circumventing the order of presentation of the different agencies, a presentation that is preferable to be held in each of the agencies.
  • Identify attendees.
  • Decide quickly, maximum one week, and inform all agencies of the decision on the same day. Then issue a press release.
  • Return materials, respect intellectual property and confidentiality.

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