The Top 5 World’s Most Expensive Dog Breeds In 2022

A dog is the best companion of a man who never comes without cash. It is quite interesting to know the real expenses of the dog. Most of the people think that dogs are the precious investment of life because dogs always help its caretaker. The people always love to care them with whole passion. Most of the people love to spend the precious and large amount of money on the breeds of dogs.

No matter what is the origin of the dog, it is really good to know the world’s expensive dogs breeds. The lovers of dogs are always willing and ready to spend thousands of dollars on the breeds. People love to have different and even every breeds of dogs at home because they think that different dogs have different speciality to live in.

People are crazy after the dog breeds just because of the difference of the origin as well as country difference. Most of the countries trained their dogs for the lifetime’s safety and this depends on the trainer how they train them. The costs of different dogs vary which is mainly based on the bloodlines and location of the dogs. In this article, we will discuss the most expensive dog breeds in the world.

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Top Five Most Expensive Dog Breeds

 Afghan Hound

As the name depicts, the Afghan Hound is the origin of Afghanistan and regarded as the world’s most beautiful as well as expensive breed of dogs. It is amazing to know that it has curly tails as well as flowing coats.

Although it is difficult to manage the beauty of this dog, it requires daily brushing on the silky beautiful coats.

The lifespan of this dog is approximately 10 to 14 years. It is very costly to maintain this charming dog. The worth of this dog is estimated to be $7,000

Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino has a muscular stature and because of this, it is used for the big hunting. This dog is one of the most expensive dogs with the speciality of the muscular body.

Great Dane and Cordoba Fighting Dog are the main and important ancestors of Dogo Argentino. This dog has a lifespan of approximately 12 to 14 years. The worth of this beautiful dog is estimated to be $8,000 which is a really high amount.


It is a known fact that this breed of dog is suspectable to many diseases, especially the joint and hip issues.

The pet insurance claim of Rottweiler is highest among all. People love to enjoy the company of this amazing breed of dog. The lifespan of Rottweiler is estimated to be 8 to 10 years. The worth of this dog comes to be $9,000 which mainly amazed everyone.

Canadian Eskimo Dogs

Canadian Eskimo Dogs are among the most expensive breeds and it is the beautiful creature on the planet. They are mainly found in North America.

This interesting breed of dog is mainly prone to entropion as well as gastric torsion. They are territorial even they can overreact to little disturbances. The worth of this dog breed is estimated to be $8,750.

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff is also the world’s most expensive breed of dog which mainly moved from Tibet to America. Tibetan Mastiff is amazing in the way that it is the fiercest animal in the world. This breed of dog is best for protection and guardian.

The owners of Tibetan Mastiff must have millions of dollars to maintain this amazing dog breed. The most interesting fact is that it protects your family and friends from any harm and they are always alert.

This is the healthy creature which owns a worth of approximately $10,000. They are found in brown color and can prone to the hip dysplasia as well as different hereditary conditions.

The most expensive dog breeds in the world



The most expensive dog breeds in the world benefit human beings in a way that they are always sincere and honest with their owner. They love to protect the owner’s family from the harms of the world. The routine care is needed and those who want to buy them should be aware of the expenses. Dog owners love to spend millions of dollars.

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